Thursday 17 May 2012

Advantages of a "staycation" this summer

Many people planning a summer vacation this year, 2012, are finding their options limited. Because of the recession, money may be scarce. The exorbitant price of gas makes even short trips expensive, and when the cost of food and accommodations are taken into account, many families simply will not be able to afford a trip away from home.

Rather than waste time bemoaning the loss of the traditional summer vacation journey, why not concentrate on the advantages of spending your free time this year enjoying the comfort of your own home and the enjoying attractions offered in the surrounding area?

Advantages of a summer "staycation":

* Financial Advantages

It will not be necessary to shell out extra cash for decent accommodations or expensive restaurant meals. You may plan to eat out more than usual during your holiday, but you already know where the reasonably priced eating places are located in your vicinity. Each family member might choose a favorite spot to dine out on a different night during the vacation period.

There will be no extra charges to access laundry facilities, to board pets, to make long-distance calls home, and you won't be expected to bring back souvenirs for family and friends since you haven't gone anywhere.

* Emotional advantages

Forget about doing last-minute loads of wash, frenzied packing, fighting congested highway traffic, sibling arguments in the back seat and endless queries, "Are we there yet?"

There will be no emotional letdown on arriving home, often more tired and frazzled than when you left, knowing the fun is over for this summer, and facing a mountain of dirty laundry.

Staycations, handled wisely, can be an excellent chance for spending quality time with the family. Visiting local points of interest, star-gazing in the backyard, picnics in the park, having movie marathons lasting until midnight with no curfew for the kids, these are the ingredients of happy memories.

* Health advantages

There will be no worries about allergies to unfamiliar flora or fauna, food or drink. You won't bring home bedbugs, those creepy insects which seem to have been lurking in so many motels, hotels and other lodging places recently. A change in water won't result in constipation or worse, diarrhea. If any health problems arise, you're close to your family doctor, who is familiar with any underlying health conditions you may have.

You'll be able to get extra relaxation and rest. After the holiday, family members will return to school or work refreshed and rejuvenated.

One family, of the author's acquaintance, hid all the clocks in the home during the holiday period, and lived strictly by observing the promptings of their biological clocks. They found it such a liberating experience, that they now follow the practice during every vacation, even on long weekends.

Summer holidays at home can be a joyous experience. Since everyone is on vacation; everyone is free to do their own thing within reasonable limits. Since Mom is on vacation too, everyone has a responsibility to clean up after themselves. The older children who show maturity by helping the younger ones will be rewarded with even more freedom.

This summer, why not plan to spend the holiday in the comfort and convenience of your own home? It's a cheaper, less stressful, and healthier alternative to the usual hassle of a vacation trip away to a distant destination.

Actually, when you stop to think of it, you are very fortunate. There are probably thousands of people around the globe who wish they could visit your part of the country for their own summer vacation this year, but who can't afford to do so.

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