Tuesday 8 May 2012

Beware the serial cheater

Did your guy have a wife, a fiancee, or a girlfriend when you met him? Did he ditch his former partner to start a relationship with you? If the answers to these questions is "Yes!" you had better stay alert, because you might be in for trouble.

If he walked away from a partnership which had produced children, especially if these children were still quite young, you may want to rethink starting a relationship with him, or at least postpone making a definite commitment for a considerable length of time.

By his previous behaviour, your man has shown the following personality traits:

(A) Selfishness. Certainly he was attracted to you, and that's understandable. Everyone in a committed relationship will be attracted to someone else at sometime or other. Most people have the self-discipline to be faithful to the existing relationship and walk away from temptation. However this character, like a child with an bag full of Halloween candy, wanted to sample more than one treat. What makes you think that you will be the last to tempt him?

(B) Immaturity. Obviously, he was not ready to settle down and be a family man. He's still in the "sowing wild oats" period of his life. When the next appealing fertile field presents itself, you may well find yourself discarded, when the Romeo of the agricultural scene edges stealthily away from you and waltzes merrily on to his next conquest.

(C) Irresponsibility. Someone else was depending on him, for love, for support, for companionship and for fidelity. If children were involved, his responsibilities were multiplied and even more onerous. However, this fellow was able to brush off his responsibilities like dandruff from the shoulders of a black suit. His own pleasure and comfort took precedence over everyone and everything else. Unfortunately, the heartbreak and problems he left behind were probably a lot more significant than a few flakes of dandruff.

(D) Inconsistency. At some point in time, your beloved believed that his former partnership with all the responsibilities it entailed, were what he truly wanted for the rest of his life. If he was married, he exchanged solemn vows to that effect. Somewhere along the line, he changed his mind. If such a total reversal in his affections and intentions has already occurred once, does it not seem to be within the realm of possibility that it could happen again?

Why are some men serial cheaters? It is because they are selfish, immature, irresponsible and inconsistent. These traits aren't always obvious at first and it takes a mature and insightful woman to recognize them.

Often, it takes a long period of time, until the first bloom of romance has worn off the new relationship, that your new flame's true colors begin to appear. That is why it is advisable to wait for a considerable length of time before entering into a serious, committed relationship.

Will these males ever outgrow their dreadful personality traits? I'm not sure, but a broken leg, a heart condition, or severe arthritis seem to be steps in the right direction.

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